Programming Course in C# ¡Free!


 Tuesday, January 29, 2013 published by Exercises C#
Proposed exercise

Create the classes diagram and then, using Visual Studio, a project and the corresponding classes for a catalog utility:
  • It will be able to store information about music files, films and computer programs.
  • For each item, it must store: name, code, category and size. For films it must also hold the director, the main actor and the main actress. For music files, the singer and the length (in seconds).
  • For music and movies it must have a method "Play" (not implemented yet) and also a method "RetrieveInformation", which will (in a later version) connect to an internet server to get information about it.

Use inheritance if needed. In "Main", create arrays of each kind of object.



using System;
namespace Catalog
class TestItem
static void Main()
Film[] myFilms = new Film[3];
Music[] myMusic = new Music[3];
ComputerProgram[] myComputerProgram = new ComputerProgram[3];

public class Item 
protected string name;
protected string code;
protected string category;
protected string size;

public Item()
public Item (string name, string code, string category, string size) 
{ = name;
this.code = code;
this.category = category;
this.size = size;

public string Name 
get { return name; }
set { name = value; }
public string Code
get { return code; }
set { code = value; }
public string Category
get { return category; }
set { category = value; }
public string Size
get { return size; }
set { size = value; }

public class Film : Item
protected string director;
protected string mainActor, mainActress;

public Film() 

public Film(string director, string mainActor, string mainActress) 
this.director = director;
this.mainActor = mainActor;
this.mainActress = mainActress;

public string Director 
get { return director; }
set { director = value; }
public string MainActor
get { return mainActor; }
set { mainActor = value; }
public string MainActress
get { return mainActress; }
set { mainActress = value; }

public void Play()

public void RetrieveInformation()


public class Music : Item
protected string singer;
protected int length;

public Music() 

public Music (string singer, int length) 
this.singer = singer;
this.length = length;

public string Singer 
get { return singer; }
set { singer = value; }
public int Lenght
get { return length; }
set { length = value; }

public void Play() 

public void RetrieveInformation() 


public class ComputerProgram  : Item
