Proposed exercise
Extend the example of the tables and the coffee tables, to add a class "Leg" with a method "ShowData", which will write "I am a leg" and then it will display the data of the table to which it belongs.
Choose one table in the example, add a leg to it and ask that leg to display its data.
using System; class Table { protected int width, height; protected Leg myLeg; public Table(int width, int height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; } public void AddLeg(Leg l) { myLeg = l; myLeg.SetTable(this); } public virtual void ShowData() { Console.WriteLine("Width: {0}, Height: {1}", width, height); } } class Leg { Table table; public Leg() { } public void SetTable(Table t) { table = t; } public void ShowData() { Console.WriteLine("I am a leg"); table.ShowData(); } } class CoffeeTable : Table { public CoffeeTable(int width, int height) : base (width, height) { } public override void ShowData() { Console.WriteLine("Width: {0}, Height: {1}", width, height); Console.WriteLine("(Coffee table)"); } } class TestTable { static void Main() { Table t = new Table(80,120); Leg l = new Leg(); t.AddLeg(l); l.ShowData(); Table[] tables = new Table[10]; Random r = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < tables.Length ;i++) { if (i < tables.Length / 2) tables[i] = new Table( r.Next(50, 201), r.Next(50, 201)); else tables[i] = new CoffeeTable( r.Next(40, 121), r.Next(40, 121)); } for (int i = 0; i < tables.Length; i++) tables[i].ShowData(); } }