Proposed exercise
Create a program to encrypt a text file into another text file. It must include the encrypter class you have created previously (in January 17th)
using System.IO; using System; class FileEncrypter { static void Main() { string name = Console.ReadLine(); StreamReader fileR = File.OpenText(name); StreamWriter fileW = File.CreateText(name + ".encrypted"); string line; do { line = fileR.ReadLine(); if (line != null) { string newText = Encrypter.Encrypt(line); fileW.WriteLine(newText); } } while(line != null); fileR.Close(); fileW.Close(); } } class Encrypter { public static string Encrypt(string text) { string result = ""; foreach (char letter in text) { char newLetter = letter; newLetter++; result += newLetter; } return result; } public static string Decrypt(string text) { string result = ""; foreach (char letter in text) { char newLetter = letter; newLetter--; result += newLetter; } return result; } }