Proposed exercise
You must create a C # program can analyze language INSERT SQL commands and extract your data to separate text lines, as follows: if the input file contains these three lines:
insert into people (name, address, age) values ('smith, pedro', 'the street', 23);
insert into people (name, address, age) VALUES ('john', 'street five, 6', 24);
insert into cities (code, name) values ('a', 'Alicante');
the resulting file on each line should have a field name, followed by "colon" and its value. In addition, each record must be preceded by the name of the table and followed by a blank line, like this:
name: smith, pedro
address: the street
Age: 23
name: john
address: street five, 6
Age: 24
code: a
Name: alicante
The name of the file to be analyzed should be asked to the user.
using System; using System.IO; class SQLToText { static void Main() { string name = Console.ReadLine(); try { string line; do { StreamReader fileSQL = File.OpenText(name); line = fileSQL.ReadLine(); string table; int positionFieldsBef, positionFieldsAft; string[] fields; int positionValuesBef, positionValuesAft; string[] values; if (line != null) { table = line.Substring(12).Split(' ')[0]; positionFieldsBef = line.IndexOf("(") + 1; positionFieldsAft = line.IndexOf(")") - line.IndexOf("(") - 1; fields = line.Substring( positionFieldsBef, positionFieldsAft).Split( ',' ).Trim(); positionValuesBef = line.IndexOf("values (") + 9; positionValuesAft = line.IndexOf(");") - line.IndexOf("values (") - 9; values = line.Substring( positionValuesBef, positionValuesAft ).Split(',').Replace("'", "").Trim(); Console.WriteLine("Name Table"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------"); Console.WriteLine( table ); Console.WriteLine("Fields"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------"); int i = 0; foreach (string field in fields) { Console.WriteLine(field + " = " values[i]); i++; } } fileSQL.Close(); } while (line != null); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine( "Error" ); } } }