Training of easy exercises
Basic Concepts
- 1.01 - First program... in C#
- 1.02 - Sum two numbers
- 1.03 - Division of two numbers
- 1.04 - Multiple operations and precedence
- 1.05 - Multiply, using variables
- 1.06 - Use of {0} and comments
- 1.07 - Several operations
- 1.08 - Multiplication table
- 1.09 - Average
- 1.10 - Equivalent operations
- 1.11 - Age
- 1.12 - Formats
- 1.13 - Rectangle
- 1.14 - Conversion
Flow Control
- 1.15 - Positive and negative
- 1.16 - Multiply if not zero
- 1.17 - Divide if not zero
- 1.18 - Divide if not zero (using "else")
- 1.19 - Greatest of three numbers
- 1.20 - Repeat until 0
- 1.21 - Repeat until 0 (do-while)
- 1.22 - while + counter
- 1.23 - Times table
- 1.24 - Odd numbers, descending
- 1.25 - Sum numbers
- 1.26 - Two negatives
- 1.27 - One or two negatives
- 1.28 - Multiples
- 1.29 - Number repeated
- 1.30 - Password
- 1.31 - Password
- 1.32 - Many divisions
- 1.33 - Several mutiplication tables, do-while
- 1.34 - Square
- 1.35 - Break & continue
- 1.36 - Rectangle
- 1.37 - Repetitive structures
- 1.38 - Digits in a number
- 1.39 - Hollow square
- 1.40 - Product
- 1.41 - Absolute value
- 1.42 - Hollow rectangle
- 1.43 - Statistics
- 1.44 - Switch
- 1.45 - Conditional operator, positive & smaller
- 1.46 - Prime number
- 1.47 - Conditional operator
- 1.48 - Give change
- 1.49 - Exceptions
Basic Data Types
- 1.50 - char
- 1.51 - Triangle
- 1.52 - Password as string
- 1.53 - Password, 5 attempts
- 1.54 - Calculator - if
- 1.55 - Calculator - switch
- 1.56 - Double
- 1.57 - Calculate values of a function
- 1.58 - Display a function
- 1.59 - Float, speed units
- 1.60 - Sphere, float
- 1.61 - Vowel - switch
- 1.62 - Vowel - if
- 1.63 - Triangle, NorthEast
- 1.64 - Prime factors
- 1.65 - If, symbols
- 1.66 - Char + for
- 1.67 - Double, approximation of Pi
- 1.68 - Perimeter, area, diagonal
- 1.69 - Hexadecimal and binary
- 1.70 - Hexadecimal table
- 1.71 - Binary
- 1.72 - Conditional and boolean
- 1.73 - Exceptions