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byte Variable | Store value in data type byte

 Saturday, June 13, 2015 published by Exercises C#

The byte keyword denotes an integral type that stores values from 0 to 255. The size of the data type byte is 8 bits.

You can declare and initialize a byte variable like this example:

byte a = 0;

Proposed Exercise: The first byte variable

Create a program in C# to declare a variable of type byte. Initializes the variable to 255 and shows the value of the variable display.

using System;

class FirstByteVariable
    static void Main()
        byte a;
        a = 255;


Proposed Exercise: Store age of person 

Develop a program in C# to store the user´s age into a variable 'a' and I replied 'You seem less than a'.

using System;

class StoreAgePerson
    static void Main()
        byte a;
        a = byte.Parse( Console.ReadLine() );

        Console.WriteLine("You seem less than " + a);